Build Strength and Skills with Fun Workouts


Build your body, develop movement skills while enjoying every moment of it! Access 40+ follow along workouts, instructional movement tutorials and self guided programs. 

A Strong and Durable Body

More Energy and Consistency

A Sense of Confidence and Ease

Dealing with Fitness Frustration and Fatigue? 

Are you feeling less motivated, more stressed about fitness, and don't quite know what's wrong?


You’re most likely experiencing frustration with fitness because…

  • Weightlifting, crossfit, etc. used to work for you BUT is now putting you in pain and causing injuries
  • You stay consistent for a week or two BUT then lose focus and fall off
  • Fitness feels like a chore that you're just trying to force your way through
  • You simply aren’t making progress....


And you’re most likely experiencing fatigue with fitness because…

  • There’s always a new exercise fad that you have to keep up with
  • Fitness “experts” are more concerned with being right than they are with helping you
  • This whole fitness thing just doesn’t seem fun and worth it anymore
Get Started!


  • Simple and Minimalist - SMOOV is built on a framework of foundational bodyweight movement that is a great base AND a powerful amplifier for movers of all levels.


  • Learn and Grow Through Movement - SMOOV brings you deeper into the experience of your body. You'll gain a greater awareness and understanding of how your body moves, feels and functions!


  • Build Confidence and Discover YOUR Style - SMOOV is a launchpad for self-confidence, creativity and style. Once you get the basics down, the ability to create with your body, mind and soul is boundless!



SMOOV Library


On Demand Workout Library

  • Access to SMOOV Video Library
  • Self-Guided Programs
  • Strength, Skill and Recovery Sessions

"SMOOV has been one of the most pivotal parts of my life! Through SMOOV, I have been able to finally feel as if my body is working 100% with me, fully committed to team Sterling. My physical state is the best it’s ever been at age 29 and my mental state matches this. The inner work and the community aspects of SMOOV keep me on par with being the man that I am so grateful to be."

- Sterling Weston


3 Steps to SMOOV!


Step 1: Activate Your Senses

The sensory experience is how we humans perceive and understand reality. We activate and strengthen the senses through key areas of the body (core, eyes, hands, feet). This results in a more relaxed body, a focused mind and a greater connection to your physical abilities.


Step 2: Connect to Strength

After creating a better understanding of the body through activation, we can connect to strength more effectively and efficiently. Using a combination of calisthenics and primal movement, we build a body that is strong, long and dialed in from head to toe!


Step 3: Intensify with Skills 

With this "Strong Sense" of the body, we can now ramp things up and intensify the practice. We apply the SMOOV framework to skill based movements (ex. Cartwheels) and forms of play (ex. hacky sack) that facilitate physical and mental development. You will literally be playing your way into being a more functional, confident and adaptable human...also known as SMOOV!


"The flow of SMOOV has evened me out mentally AND physically!"

- David K.

From Stressed to SMOOV!


In a fitness world that is overflowing with information (a lot of it being contradictory), it has never been easier to get trapped in your head thinking about the best way to move or get fit. If you find yourself exercising with a narrative of thoughts like:


“Am I doing this right?”

“Is this a good exercise? A bad exercise?”

“My form needs to be perfect!”

“How do I look in the mirror?”


Then you’re in your head, not your body. There is a mental overload that leads to excessive stress, obsession, and perfectionism along with a movement practice that is not fully integrated with the body. 


On the other hand, if you find yourself training super hard, in pain, consistently injured…and still slugging through it just because that’s what you’ve always done…This is physical overload and again, a movement practice that is not integrated with the body. 


All the overload problems above are a result of a distorted or cut off line of communication between the body and the brain. There is a failure to listen to the signals of the body and until those connections are restored, you will continue to be stressed out, in pain and frustrated with your physical practice.


Moving your body SHOULD be easy. Building strength SHOULD actually make you feel better. Challenging your body and your mind SHOULD build you up, not break you down. 


And yet, so many people continue to make it HARD on themselves.


SMOOV provides an alternative path for fitness enthusiasts to lighten the load, physically and mentally, so they can get back to feeling great in their bodies, focused and clear in their minds, while building a practice that is fun, challenging and consistent. 


This is the foundation of movement that you will build a lifetime practice on top of. The mental framework, the practices, the tools you want AND need to stay active, connected, and lively through every decade of your life!

"I'm an experienced mover and I move every day. SMOOV is an amplifier for what I am already practicing. This helped me take my movement to another level!"

- Alex Morningstar


Tired of "Staying Hard"?

It's Time to Stay SMOOV!

Whatever you've been doing for your health has brought you to this point, right now. Be grateful for it, appreciative of yourself for going through it and putting in that work...AND if you know deep down that its no longer working for you, take the leap into something new.

SMOOV is that leap into the new and we are thrilled to support you in this next stage of your journey.

Get Started Now!